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Weird, Wild, & Wonderful

Second New York Botanical Garden Triennial Exhibition

2014 - 2016

Fern Crozier x5

Polystichum sp.


I noticed this fern one spring and was fascinated by its structure and the way in which the crosiers, or fiddleheads, were unfurling - so unlike other members of the plant kingdom. In order to enhance this quality of 'otherness' as well as to exploit the detail, I decided to paint it magnified five times the original specimen. By depicting it in this way and in isolation from the rest of the plant, I feel it truly looks weird, wild and wonderful!


The unique challenge of the crozier was how to depict the downy scales in which it is covered. I spent some time working out how I could represent these scales, experimenting with different techniques. Although I could have painted these scales with white gouache at the end of the painting process, I decided that this would compromise the integrity of the transparent watercolour. I therefore decided to use masking fluid. This involved drawing out the fern and then using the masking fluid to draw on the down and scales with a pen. This was done before even lifting up a paint brush. Once the masking fluid was dry, I could then proceed with the painting without having to worry about the surface texture.


When I was content that I had depicted the form and structure of the crozier, I removed the masking fluid and focused on the scales and texture, tinting some of them brown and adding shadow colour to others. I have never used so much masking fluid on a painting before but was really pleased with the end result.


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Read more about this artist's work: 16th Annual International


Polystichum sp.

Fern Crozier x 5

Watercolor on Paper

© Julia Trickey

2025 ASBA - All rights reserved

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